Membership Directory - Individual

Jade Stuart

Account Manager at M&G


Bio: Jade is an Account Manager for M&G plc, working with intermediaries in the UK market to deliver the firm's value proposition.

Jade is a trans woman and an active member of M&G's LGBT + network, Pride' and is working to expand it to the organisation's Scottish locations. Jade is passionate about inspiring others through her story and supporting everyone to be their true self. Although she joined the organisation in 2010, she has worked with UK intermediaries as an account manager since 2001 and she transitioned in 2003. While she recognises the positive impact that companies like M&G create with the evolution of policies to support colleagues in transitioning, Jade is aware that in many other companies, sectors and countries there is a long way to go, and she is proud and happy to be open and evident to support others on their journey to transitioning.

Jade comments: "Prior to joining M&G, I can remember returning to work after I had transitioned which was a stressful time for me. Many colleagues at the time were walking on eggshells' and did not know how to react around me. During this time of my life I suffered from acute anxieties about who I was and the conflicts and fear became so severe I considered taking my own life, perhaps because I grew up in a very traditional family in a small rural community. Before transitioning I struggled for years with childhood threats of rejection by my family, and as I was growing up I lost friends whenever I tried to be my true self. Thankfully I found the inner strength to persevere alongside finding a supportive network of friends and colleagues. These people lifted me up and helped me through, and from that part of my journey I learned the importance of being there to support anyone to overcome any barrier to being their true self.

Since joining M&G, I have taken an active role with the firm's LGBT+ network "Pride" which started in our London office and is now expanding to our other locations including here in Edinburgh. My focus is to use my story and the strength I have found from my journey to help and inspire others: I consistently lead conversations with our employee associations and affinity groups; I have helped evolve the workplace policy for people who want to transition and am also available to provide help to line managers when they need advice. My passion is to inspire others who may be thinking of transitioning or know someone else who is going through the progress by being visible and evident. The support and ambition from across M&G has been incredible and it shows how far an organisation like ours has come.

I am delighted to be selected as a Project 1000 Role Model because I know that without support my journey would have been even more daunting, and I want to show that when an employer helps and supports us all to be ourselves it is not only potentially life saving it also unlocks the very best in all of us."