Membership Directory - Individual

Che Egbuna

Bid Manager at Link Asset Services


Bio: Che Egbuna is currently a Bid Manager at Link Asset Services. Link Asset Services provides asset services to thousands of clients ranging from ACD, TA to Fund Solutions. Che creates bids surrounding Shareholder and Fund administrations, outlining the firm's service and customer service expertise as well as its sterling expertise of the Investment market.

Che has been within the Bid and Proposal industry for approximately 9 years and enjoys it, primarily because as a hobby, she enjoys writing and gaining the attention of people through creatively placed words.

She has self-published a book "Odes of an Afrikan Lesbian" in 2016, which gained widespread attention and great reviews.

Che is currently in the process of completing a novel that borders on fantasy and mystery. She is looking forward to sharing it with the world.

Che shares that "authenticity of self is imperative to me, as there is nothing more special than the uniqueness of individuality. However I am aware that being authentic to self is a journey when we are a player in a world that dictates what we must be and conditioned us as so even before we could speak! The concept of blue for boys, and pink for girls is fundamentally flawed and damaging to the core of an individual, and forced them to conform to societal values before they can figure out what being themselves mean".

Che adds "As a Female, blue is one of my favourite colours, and I detest pink! What does that tell us about authenticity? What does that tell us about conditioning and the need to fall in line with values that are created to put us into boxes?"

In closing, Che states: "the most liberating thing to me is free-ness of self and spirit. Embracing all that you are EVEN and especially when it goes against the grain. This can be in your religion, sexuality, ideologies and spirituality. Run with what sets your soul on fire. If we all became our labels and fit into boxes, we would live in a military and confined state. Where is the magic in that?"
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