Membership Directory - Individual

Femi Bart-Williams

Senior Solutions Strategy Manager at Legal & General


Bio: I'm Femi Bart-Williams and I'm a Senior Solutions Strategy Manager at Legal & General Investment Management ("LGIM") where I focus on working with clients to implement objective-based solutions and investment strategies.

I joined LGIM in 2009 from Deloitte. Prior to that role I worked for P-Solve Asset Solutions (now River & Mercantile). I graduated from the London School of Economics in 1999 with a first class honours degree in actuarial science and I'm a fellow of the Institute of Actuaries.

For me, being an ally is an expression of my deeply held belief in diversity. Not one that simply correlates with convenience or self-interest but rather a consistent belief that skill and contribution should be the scale by which we are all measured and that race, gender, sexual orientation etc. should not take pre-eminence. I believe that just as a first aid kit or makeup case is better for containing different implements, so a team is improved by having diverse members and that unbiased and unprejudiced merit evaluation improves us all. Starting from that premise, I considered what sort of company / environment / world I want to be in and recognised that I in part contribute to that. Accepting this, I resolved to take some personal responsibility to dedicate some time, effort and energy to effecting the changes I'd like to see. I think history has taught us that change is most effectively achieved when we all stand up for each other, so I decided to become an ally and join the committee of the LGBT network and other networks at LGIM.