Membership Directory - Individual

Kremena Wissel

Chief Impact Officer at Sirius Real Estate


Bio: Kremena is the Chief Marketing and Impact Officer for Sirius Facilities GmbH and a member of the Operating Board. Joining the firm in 2006, she oversees marketing, the deployment of the firm s ESG strategy and is an active diversity and inclusion Ambassador.

Originally from Bulgaria, Kremena holds a Master's degree in Marketing and Advertising from the University of Arts Berlin and an Executive MBA from CASS Business School London and studied in Germany, United Kingdom, China, Vietnam and South Africa.

Kremena has taken a key role in the developing of the firm's diversity and inclusion strategy to ensure effective leadership, governance and accountabilities. She is a passionate ally of the LGBT+ community and is working to ensure that Sirius plays its role in supporting the community by sponsoring the agenda across the firm.
Project 1000, Top 100 2021