Membership Directory - Individual

Erin Keefer

TD at Janus Henderson


Bio: Erin Keefer is the Head of Talent Development at Janus Henderson, based in Colorado, US. Through her role, Erin supports businesses through training development, helping people to grow and be the best versions of themselves at work. Erin's role spans across all business units at Janus Henderson, and she partners closely with Diversity & Inclusion to ensure that her work is accessible for all.

Erin has spent most of her career in Learning & Development, with experience across multiple sectors. At Janus Henderson, she has always felt included and supported, and welcomes the commitment the firm has made to help employees learn and grow. Janus Henderson is currently focusing on enhancing internal communications to ensure greater inclusivity, and enable all employees to feel seen and welcome.

A particular passion for Erin is supporting female entrepreneurs. She has previously worked with an organisation called "Think Global Institute", which empowers women to start businesses across the world. She feels that through that action of "planting the seed" and empowering one individual, a great impact can be made on people's lives.

Erin comments: "For me, supporting LGBTQ+ inclusion just makes sense. There's simply no reason not to.

I have two sons, and I want them to grow up in a world where they can always be safe, loved, and accepted for who they show up as. Everyone deserves that same opportunity, no matter who you are.

I'd encourage everyone to get involved in talking about inclusion, no matter where you're starting from. Try something new, expose yourself to a new idea, start a conversation with someone you don't know - just do it!"