Membership Directory - Individual

Arnab Biswas


Bio: Arnab Biswas, was formerly a Senior Manager in General Counsel, at Fidelity. He is an active member of the India Diversity and Inclusion Network and India LGBT+ lead for Fidelity. Arnab successfully launched the LGBTI ally network in India and designed an online training module that is available to all India staff for providing awareness on LGBTIQA+ community. In 2019, Arnab coordinated Fidelity’s involvement in the first Delhi Queer Pride with many colleagues celebrating the event.
Arnab, who currently lives in Delhi, came out to his family at the age of 19. He comes from an “orthodox and traditional” joint family in Kolkata. It was his mother who broke the news to his family in 2003, as she struggled to come to terms with it. Today, he says, his mother is “the biggest supporter for the LGBTIQA+ community." For many years, Arnab has been supporting the LGBTI diversity and inclusion at various spheres of life and is an active Instagram Influencer by the name of “URNAVISHWAS” with over 63,000 followers on Instagram which mainly highlights LGBTI inclusion in society at large. He attended the Lord of Mayor Appeal dinner, London, as recognition for his contribution on LGBT inclusion at Fidelity, Gurgaon. Externally, Arnab was a speaker at the NASSCOM India Diversity Summit that took place in March 2019. He is regularly invited to speak at corporate events about LGBT+ inclusion in India, including HSBC, JLL, Rate Gain, Oracle. He has partnered with multiple brands including Lee Jeans, Boston Consulting Group, Body Shop to promote diversity and mental well-being - the most significant being with “Close Up India - 3 Journeys of Life” with more than 32 million views on YouTube. He has also partnered with Fragment which emphasises on promoting equality, employment and transgender empowerment.
Arnab is extremely passionate about fitness but at the same time fond of baking cakes, cookies and other delicacies during his free time.