Membership Directory - Individual

Aaron Baldwin

Assistant to the Executive Vice President for Strategy & Consulting at Bank of the West BNP Paribas


Bio: Aaron is Assistant to the Executive Vice President for Strategy & Consulting at Bank of the West (part of BNP Paribas). In this role, he provides support on a number of functions, including corporate strategy & development, data analytics, and growth acceleration.

Aaron has worked at Bank of the West for 2 years, and prior to this has a strong financial services background, working across multiple areas including operations, sales, strategy and product development. Aaron also has a strong belief in activism, and supports a number of charitable organisations, including Pride 365, AIDS/Lifecycle, and the HIV/AIDS Provider Network.

Aaron is a firm believer in diversity & inclusion in the workplace, not only because of the positive impact it has on people, but also because more diverse teams produce more diverse outcomes and solutions. By creating an environment where people feel that their opinions are important and valuable, they will feel more included and bring more to the table.

Aaron comments: "A key part of inclusion is being visible. Not only does it remind people that we still have progress to make, but it allows others to feel comfortable being themselves. Whether you're an out LGBT+ person or an ally, through small actions of visibility you can help to build acceptance."

Our CEO marched with the company at Pride in 2019, and it made such a difference to have her there - it proved she was truly supportive, carrying our company banner the whole Pride parade. By really showing up and standing up for minority groups, we can work to change people's opinions.

The opportunity to be a role model is inspiring. When I was younger, I didn't have the opportunity to work with an out LGBT+ role model, due to the AIDS crisis and fear of coming out, so the chance to do that for younger generations is very important to me."
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