Membership Directory - Individual

Scott Kerr

Head to Business Ops & Gov - Technology at M&G


Bio: Scott is the Head of Business Operations & Governance, Corporate Functions Technology at M&G and the co-chair of M&G’s Pride Network. Scott joined M&G straight out of high school as an apprentice in 2015 and has held various roles in Risk, Cyber Security and Technology Operations. In his current role, he is responsible for managing a range of departments covering, people strategy, strategic partnerships, risk posture and transformation activities.

In his capacity as co-chair of the Pride Network, Scott has been instrumental in driving forward the DE&I agenda at M&G. Within his first year as co-chair of the M&G Pride network, Scott led the re-organization of the Pride Leadership Committee and shifted the network’s focus to three critical areas: allyship, corporate responsibility and increasing network visibility. Scott’s leadership was also a vital component of M&G’s ability to achieve the LGBT Great ‘Gold Standard’ for LGBT+ equality within financial services. Scott continues to lead and partner on bringing significant change to the M&G workplace, including the introduction of the pro-noun tool to add to email signatures and the change of the M&G plc logo for Pride month to include the inclusive LGBT+ rainbow.

Scott embraces his status as an LGBT+ role model by providing information sessions and speeches on the importance of diversity and inclusion across multiple layers of the business from Apprentices and Graduates to department-wide calls and one to one mentoring conversations with organisational leaders.

The journey and pressures of ‘coming out’ whilst building a career in Tech have not been easy for Scott and as such, he is passionate about inspiring others. Through his own experiences, he recognises the resilience of the LGBT+ community and is taking tangible action in helping mitigate the impact of issues faced by LGBT+ colleagues within financial services and society at large.