Membership Directory - Individual

Paul Wynne

Marketing and Communications at Local Pensions Partnership Investments


Bio: I'm a marketing and communications specialist in the investment management industry, working for Local Pensions Partnership Investments. As a former marketing director at Financial Express / Trustnet for 10 years, followed by 12 years as a director or partner with three marketing communications agencies, I've worked with many UK and global asset management businesses, wealth managers and financial advice firms, helping them educate and inform the whole range of investors throughout the UK and Europe. But before all of this, I was a researcher and producer for television documentary programmes and also worked for charities like the Red Cross. Originally from Australia and travelled extensively, I have witnessed a huge variety of racial, gender and sexual preference intolerances, and this just make me more determined to challenge it when I see it.
As a young organisation, we are in the early stages of implementing a diversity, equality and inclusion programme, which is a key business metric supported at Board level. We work closely with our People and Culture team to help communicate this programme to current and prospective employees. I also lead our Diversity and Inclusion network, which encourages LGBTQ+ people and allies to come together, discuss ideas, issues and challenges, and engage with the business to influence positive change.
"I've always tried to approach my work with integrity, honesty and dedication and I hope that's what businesses experience. But being comfortable and confident in myself and making this a part of my everyday working life has been the biggest challenge by far. Perceptions and attitudes (and even laws!) have changed enormously during the last 20 years since I first came out and gradually I have found my own way of expressing myself through work, being authentic and happy. And a massive part of this is about feeling safe, secure and encouraged in a work environment. "I appreciate more than ever that everyone is on their own journey of self-discovery and proclamation. It would make me incredibly proud to know that I can help just a few people find that confidence to be their true self as early as possible in their careers. And as we all strive for better work-life balance, businesses need to ensure their people are safe and happy in both."
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