Membership Directory - Individual

Paul Scaping

Public Policy Specialist at Investment Association


Bio: Paul Scaping is Public Policy Specialist at the Investment Association (IA), the trade body for the UK-based investment management industry.

He began his career in 2008 working for the Liberal Democrats as a parliamentary researcher for the party's Treasury spokesman, Sir Vince Cable MP. Between 2010 and 2016 he worked as a government relations consultant at Bell Pottinger, a public relations company. Eight years working in liberal politics and the public relations industry have taught Paul what it is like to work in an environment where LGBT+ people and issues are prominent.

Paul knows how important it is to work with colleagues who support, value and understand LGBT+ people. Work is a major part of life and when LGBT+ people and allies don't make themselves visible then there is a real chance that others will hide who they truly are. For young LGBT+ people in particular there is risk this can cause unhappiness, potentially leading to mental health problems.

In 2018, Paul wrote Bringing Our Whole Selves to Work', an IA guide to the LGBT+ experience in asset management and how to make it better. Paul is committed to working with IA members and using the trade association's convening power to find new ways to attract talented LGBT+ people to asset management and show that it is a welcoming and inclusive industry.
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