Membership Directory - Individual

Wayne Murphy

Global Head of KYC Operations – New Client Onboarding at Citi


Bio: Wayne has been with Citi for the past 11 years having joined the ICG KYC Operations Department in 2011. He currently holds the role of Senior Vice President and EMEA Head of Independent Compliance Risk Management (ICRM) KYC Policy. Wayne has over 15 years experience in the Financial Services Sector. His educational background is in Economics, Finance & French from Maynooth University as well as an MSc in Management from the National College
of Ireland.

In Wayne’s current role, he is responsible for leading ICRM’s KYC Policy Team in EMEA. Wayne plays a pivotal role in working with first and second lines of defense to drive effective KYC compliance risk management in the region. In his previous roles within Citi, Wayne has managed the large-scale delivery of sensitive KYC regulatory projects, high profile global client onboardings, team rollouts & implementations over the past 11 years. The remit of Wayne’s current role is to ensure consistency in terms of interpretation of KYC.

Prior to joining Citi, Wayne held roles with Capita Asset Services Ireland in Insurance Administration, US Real Estate, European Banking focusing on Banking Operations and was Client Relations Manager for GE, Blackrock, Investec and Natixis.

Wayne is a key supporter of Diversity and Inclusion efforts within Citi and our wider community and was Co-Chair for the CitiPride Network in Dublin from 2017 to 2020. He is currently Senior Sponsor for the Dublin Pride Network. During his time as Co-Chair, Wayne has worked during this time to help to improve and promote a work environment where every employee is valued and respected regardless of their background or how they identify. Wayne has helped to create greater on-site visibility and presence for the local Pride networking, helping to double participation in the annual Pride parade in 2019 & organizing keynote speeches on the Dublin site more recently with Senator David Norris and David Gough during National Coming Out Day.

Wayne is also Co-Chair of the FuSIoN Network (Financial Services Inclusion Network), which is an Ireland Industry-wide voluntarily led and organised LGBTQ+ Network of Networks. It was formed in 2017 with a mission to combine the expertise of FuSIoN firms’ LGBT+ networks to drive forward LGBT equality and diversity in the financial services sector. He works to ensure that there is collaboration across the network in order to drive positive change both in the workplace and in the communities across Ireland.

Wayne was delighted to be nominated for the International Diversity Role Model Award in the Diversity in Tech Awards 2020.

“LGBTQ+ Diversity and Inclusion is important to me because people are at their best, their happiest and most productive when they can bring their whole selves to work. I am very thankful for the positive environment that Citi promotes globally where Diversity is encouraged at all levels and employees feel included and respected no matter what their background. I think there is an emphasis and onus on all of us to create the type of environment where we celebrate our collective diversity & ensure it is included and represented.”
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